
SocietyOccupational Safety and Health

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Occupational Safety and Health Policy

As an expert in the distribution of foods that are considerate of people, things, and the planet, the Yokorei Group puts its employees' safety and health first and conducts business activities in line with the following guiding principles.

Guiding Principles

  1. Give top priority to the safety of every employee and person involved with the Yokorei Group and build pleasant workplaces
  2. Thoroughly monitor employees' health and promote good mental and physical well-being
  3. Observe safety fundamentals and rules and strive to eliminate workplace accidents
  4. Strive to improve employees' safety and health awareness through safety education and training
Management structure

The General Affairs Department is tasked with overseeing matters of health and safety throughout the company, while the Cold Logistics Business Quality Department is especially focused on site operations pertaining to the refrigerated warehousing business. Regarding occupational accidents in particular, this department shares all accident reports with the entire company in an effort to prevent similar mishaps. The Risk Management Committee reports twice a year to the Board of Directors about the outcome of analyzing and discussing the types of accidents, their causes, and countermeasures, among other matters. The Board then issues any necessary instructions.
The General Affairs Department is responsible for company-wide matters of health and safety, and the Chief of the Corporate Management Sector has been appointed as the director responsible for company-wide health and safety.

Employee health and safety
Initiatives implemented in FY2023

The following measures were implemented based on our policy of eliminating occupational accidents, creating comfortable workplace environments, and maintaining and improving the health of employees.
We held monthly health and safety meetings at each business site and carried out risk assessments of close-call incidents related to work processes and machinery and the like. We also conducted risk assessments and implemented thorough safety measures before bringing new equipment and machinery online. When an occupational accident occurred, its particulars were shared throughout the organization and the entire company strived to prevent any recurrences. As for maintaining and improving health, we made sure that employees continued to receive regular health checkups, and we endeavored to improve the percentage of workers undertaking stress checks.

Status of occupational accidents

A total of 11 occupational accidents occurred in FY2023, three of which were lost-time injuries. Also, 10 of them were individual accidents, many involving the employee getting caught in between or entangled in machinery. No fatal occupational accidents occurred.
When an occupational accident occurs, we prepare and share an incident report and a preventive measures report. We also conduct on-site inspections at each business site in an effort to prevent the same accidents from happening again.